About Me

Oh, hello, I didn’t see you there! I’m Christine, and this is my blog. I hope you find something that inspires you and helps make your life a little easier.

I’m was born and raised in the Seattle area, and just never got around to leaving. I love my city and all the food, fun, and nature that we have to offer. If you are ever in the area and need recommendations for where to go, please let me know!

If you are wondering what I find myself “In Between”, allow me to explain. The first is that as a size 12/14 I am solidly between straight and plus size clothing. I really want to help my fellow mid-size gals find clothing and accessories that work for their bodies, and see those looks on someone that looks like them.

Second, I will never fool you into thinking I have it all together! I’m at the end of my 20s, but I still feel like I’m in between young adulthood and full fledged adulthood. I’m still figuring it all out along the way. Household management, cooking, and personal finances are all things I still have to improve on and I want to take you all on that journey with me.